суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

emergency contraception birth control pill

Phone update - the lovely O2 lady thinks i may have a scratched sim card so sheapos;s going to send me a new one within three days. Weapos;ll see if that helps, although actually yesterday evening it seemed to be behaving itself again. Perhaps the call to O2 was some sort of apos;naughty stepapos; for hoodlum handsets.

talking of phones, i was on the train on the way home from work yesterday and was sitting next to a middle-aged man typing "cooee" into a text message. This completely made my day you donapos;t hear "cooee" enough these days, i wonder what had prompted it. I hope whoever the text message was sent to really appreciated it.

cullop evansville tricia university, emergency contraception birth control pill, emergency contraception birth control, emergency contraception availability, emergency contraception and yasmin.

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